Virgin expedition

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


BORED BORED BORED!!! I am so bored!! I know I know, I have just come back from the most fantastic vacation in the most fantastic city on this earth and now I am bored!!!!

The holiday was great. It was incredible to hang out with my sisters and girlfriends eventhough I cried tears of joy and happiness when I came home and saw my daughter after 10 loooooong days without her.

A girlie holiday in NYC is simply one of the biggest luxuries known to womankind. All girls should do it at least once in their lifetime (that and Mykonos of course). We lived it up, stayed in a five star hotel (eventhough my sis did say that five-star hotels in NYC are as common as toast hahahaaa), shopped like crazy, ate like pigs, drank even more and partied it up until we collapsed. We even saw 2 celebrities (although Paris H eluded me). It was simply GREAT. Pics to go up shortly. I love that word shortly by the way - so non-committal : )

Coming back to Geneva was really nice although 48 hours after being "home", I am so bored i could cry.

Why are we like that? Never happy, never contented, and certainly never satisfied. I guess I shouldnt use the world "we" in that sentence - in fact it's me. The problem is that I really need ACTION in my life and right now, I HAVE NONE!!! My phone rang more times during my 10 days in NYC than it has in the last 5 years in Geneva. Can u believe that? How can there be just such ZERO action in my life?

You know what I have to look forward to tonight? A manicure appointment. How exciting. Who is going to see my nails in any case? And because they are acrylic I can't even use them to scratch my ears or pick my nose. Had half a mind of cancelling the damn appointment but then what else do I do then this evening aside from watching Eastenders????!!!!!! Oh good grief!! NOw, if I were in NYC with my mates and siblings, wow, the possibilities are endless.

Ok lah, enuff bitching for one afternoon. All this complaining is giving me a headache and I want to smoke another ciggie but I just had one so I won't. In any case I gotta leave in 45 minutes so I will have one then. You see how bored I am? Can even schedule my cigarette breaks. Wah liau!! I am a loser extraodinaire!!!


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