Virgin expedition

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

New things..

In the true post-holiday blues spirit, I have started planning my next trip out of Geneva. In my quest for some fun-in-the-sun (Sun seems to be a precious commodity these days in Geneva. If I could invest my money in sun stocks I really would) and action-by-the-sea, I have managed to persuade Frederic to take a weekend away in Lisbon. YAY!!!! We don't want to spend too much time away from Chiara so we will be spending 2 nights and 3 days in Cascais. Plan to rent a motorbike so we can ride into Lisbon and around for sightseeing.

Waaaaah!!! I can see myself already - wind blowing in my hair and Danger Zone playing in the background while I hang onto my Maverick. And then he will stop on the coastline and kiss me passionately on the bike while the sun sets picturesquely behind us. All other motorits zoom past and look at us enviously and wish for such stolen moments only young, new love can inspire. And my hair still blowing sexily around my face while the music changes to Take My Breath Away... Hopefully the bike won't get stolen. Must remember to tell Fred to get a krepok one.

Yes, yes, in case you don't know, I love the movie Top Gun. Favorite of all time. I think it should go into the movie Hall of fame if one should exist. It's really just the best. Alot of action (car chasing motorbike, motorbike chasing plane, plane shooting other planes - not enuff ah?), soppy love story, hamsum boys with hot bods, tragic moments - if only the hot chick was someone other than Kelly McGillis (coz she's sooo NOT hot) then it would truly be PUUURFECT.

Dreams, dreams. I read a very interesting article on that discusses dreams - especially the Singapore one. (Colin Goh is the brainchild behind If you are Singaporean and don't know what that is then AIYAH! NEVERMIND LAH!!!)

Back to the Singapore Dream which he did refer to as rather the Singapore Plan. And compared it to the American one which has turned into the American Plan. Anyway, I thought it was a great insight into how a Singaporean couple dared to get off the beaten path and pursue their dreams (or was it their plan?) in NYC. You should really check it out if you think that you are stuck in the doldrums of the Singaporean ratrace with no way out. Quite inspiring.

Anyway, the other thing that struck me about this article is that he and his wife are truly a couple. The article was actually written by both of them relating their life experiences which led them to New York to pursue bigger and better things than the 5 C's that obssess Singaporeans. I was amazed at the complicity they have and how they just "fit" so nicely with each other. I guess they each found "THE ONE".

How often does that happen I wonder? That we all find "THE ONE"? And that we are lucky enuff to be the "THE ONE" to our "THE ONE"? You see what I mean?

Recently I was trying to read to my daughter some classic Disney fairytales - you know, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and all the rest of it. Of course she was more interested in trying to eat the book. But that's not the point I am trying to make. I grew up on a healthy diet of these fairy tales and I am just wondering if these stories have fed my personal obsession of finding my Prince Charming. I mean of course now that i am "grown up" I have come to realize that life is alot about being pragmatic and compromising and life's lessons have shown me that Prince Chrming is sometimes not all that Charming. He farts and picks his nose too. But there is always that little "niggle" in the back of my heart that tells me that Prince Charming does exist. Somewhere in the world. And he is waiting for me to sing Some Enchanted Moment so he can ride to me on his white horse and ride off into the sunset.

The question that I have is this: Did Snow White and her desperate housewives wannabe mates lead me to this? And if yes, should I be reading the same shit to my daughter? But then again if you can't tell your baby daughter about fairies and princes charming and dwarfs and fairies and all things shiny and beautiful then what the hell are you supposed to read to her? By teaching her how to sing "Someday my prince will come" will I inadvertently be leading her down the path of spinsterhood and misery? But the again, if I don't, will I be killing her future ability to dream and aspire and her idealisms?

I don't know. I am not married. Don't ask me why. I just am not. BUt this is not about marriage and whether one should or one shouldn't. This is about THE ONE. This is about finding the holy grail in life. IS there such a thing? To be honest, I do believe it exists and I hope I am smart enough and strong enough to not only teach my daughter that it exists but to teach her to find out what her own holy grail is and how to go after it.


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