Virgin expedition

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ice balls

If I had balls, yes, they would be iced ones now. It's bloody freezing here in yodel land and I am convinced its because all these damn temperate-acclimatized, pink, sun-averse ang moh's have been COMPLAINING away about how hot it was over the last 2 weeks. Well now, we are being punished because it's the middle of summer and it's bloody freezing.

I tell you God is watching. And listening.

And my colleague from space whom I share the office with just simply HAS to open the damned window. It helps her disposition.

Please let me just die now.

It's times like these that I ask myself why in hell I ever left Singapore.

Hmmm. Just looked out the window and I remember now. I came here for the better view.

You know, if we actually managed to replace half of the population of Singaporeans in Singapore with people from other lands (crazy Middle Easterns, shot-gun toting crazy deep southern and mid-western Americans and Virginie French types excluded of course), Singapore would be a great place to live in.

I love Singapore. I love the weather, I love Orchard Road, I love Sentosa, I love Singlish, I love calling everyone who is older than me auntie and uncle and my God, I LOVE the food.

What irritates me about Singapore and what makes my heart beat with desperate anxiety whenever I think about packing up and going home are Singaporeans themselves. And that includes of course those men in white. Eventhough, I have to admit, I was one of those Singaporeans (when I was living there of course), who used to ignore the politics and not discuss them with anyone. Especially foreigners. Because hey, the truth of the matter was that I could pay my low taxes and didn't spit or litter, loved (and still do) the fact that Signapore is a chewing-gum free city, appreciated all the green around me and loved the fact that I could afford to take taxis even when I was below the 3K income bracket.

Nanny-state? What's that? Freedom of speech? Who cares!

My life was cool. Why? Because everything in life is a question of budget and perspective.

What really did irk me everyday, all day, all night were the people. Singaporeans are an annoying lot. Just everything about them irritates me. They way they look, behave, eat, drink is just so damn ANNOYING. Everytime I come home for holiday, the minute I arrive at the airport and think to myself "Why are they ALL LIKE THAT?"

Of course I am generalizing and of course there are exceptions but for the most part, Singaporeans are ungracious. They are badly behaved. There are just too many "new money" types around. And there are so many racists among them. Closet ones as well. And they are just plain sickening.

So I guess I will be hanging around here for a while. Or elsewhere. Anyplace but Singapore. Not only because I cannot bear looking at ugly people all day everyday until I die but because I really do not want my daughter growing up to be like an annoying, ungracious, ugly, typical Singaporean. Too many of them squeezed in such a small island to take the risk.

Maybe the Singapore Governement can come up with a FIND AND REPLACE campaign. Then maybe I will come back for good. Coz the truth of the matter is that I am a Singapore girl in my heart. And someday, I would like to come home.


At 12:26 PM, Blogger kukukucinta said...

hmmm, i guess u haven met the gracious ones yet? *LOL*

i tot the younger generation generally are quite civilised, unless u r refering to the ah gong and ah ma, who can be quite annoying .....


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