I woke up this morning and as usual, as I was taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I was thinking about all kinds of things - mainly work related. Then for some reason, my thoughts strayed and one thought led to another leading me to a fantastic conclusion. I thought to myself, "Wow, this is really great! I am so going to blog about it tonight."
So here I am, on my blog, trying to blog about the epipheny I had this morning while a toothbrush was stuck in my mouth.
I have a problem though.
I FORGOT my enlightened thoughts from this morning!
So now, I don't really have anything to blog about.
I thought about complaining but I am in no mood to do so.
I thought about writing another short tale, but have no inspiration
I thought about telling you about the exciting night I had last night, but alas, Paris had a prior engagement
I thought about writing about the wonders of Journey's music, but I don't think I can do them justice
I thought about telling you how beautiful my hair looks after using L'oreals's Nutri Gloss hair masque, but how can I compete with the ultimate hair treat - A HAIR SALON
I thought about telling you about my work but I really want you to keep coming back to my site
I thought about telling you how I have issues with gas, but I really, really want you to come back to my site
So can you help me?
Give me some inspiration. Leave your suggestions in the comments.
I have to go and fart now.