Virgin expedition

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Twilight Zone

Have you ever met a random person at a bar or a party and after chatting a couple of minutes find out that you have friends in common? Have you ever heard a story from a third party that connects 2 people you vaguely know whom you never thought would ever be associated? Have you ever heard someone's story only to hear bells of familiarity ringing?

It's funny isn't it - how small this world can be. Not only due to random associations but circumstances as well.

I have been through some of the wierdest situations in my life and I always thought that if I wrote a book one day chronicalling these stories, I would be rich. Because, without a doubt, it would become a bestseller.

Boy, am I wrong. Because for every story have, I have no doubt that there are 100 people who have a similar one.

I have no doubt because I recently read a story of a girl(true or not I don't know but does it matter?) who is going through exactly the same experience I did (or maybe still am) only under worse circumstances (or are they?). At the time when this situation was at it's peak, I thought I was the craziest person in the world, doing what I was doing. But this girl is even braver (or stupider) than I am.

Reading her stories are truly very bizarre. It's like reading about me. I don't know if you have experienced that but I can tell you it's just plain WIERD.

It's like I know exactly what's going through her head and what she's feeling in her heart. I can also predict what the next installment of the story is going to say. Although I do admit that the most recent one had a startling twist. And I am now looking forward to finding out what happens next. Eventhough I think I can guess what's going to happen. Because of my own reaction to that situation.

How bizarre is this?

One could argue that 2 people in the same situation could experience different things because they are 2 different people, right?

But in this case, she is reacting exactly like I did in exactly the same situation!!

Is this a woman thing? I am sure men would think so. But get this - there is a man involved in her story and the man has the same reactions as the man in MY story!

I tell you - it's just truly too wierd. I thought things like this only happened on TV. Is it really possible?

I don't know who she is or what she does or what she looks like - but man, I would love to meet this girl one day, someday because now I am just plain curious.

Who is this stranger who shares an almost identical experience that will, in the least, remain in our thoughts and memories until we are old and gray, and at most, change our lives forever (actually the latter is true for me).


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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