Virgin expedition

Monday, October 31, 2005

Guess What?

She bloody fell asleep on me at 9pm!!!! Yes, that's exactly what my sis did so no, I didn't go for any fantastically fun Haloween parties this weekend. Aiyooh! Hopefully next weekend will be more successful.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Winter Sucks (con't)

Let me reiterate again how winter sucks. I am sick. Once again. I don't think I have the flu but i do have an annyoingly drippy nose and a cough that is starting. No appetite(which is good) and coz my taste buds have gone to sleep (which is NO GOOD coz all i want to consume are sweet things). Coupled with this shit, the ladies loo is out of order and I have no lighter. Oh I forgot to add that the sun is bloody shining and it must be 18 degrees outside and I am wearing a sweater and pants and the heating in the office is on.

How is this even possible?????

I am so glad today it's Friday. Because tomorrow my darling younger sister will be here. Am not going out tonight so I can "save" myself for Saturday night. I just hope my sis doesn't fall alseep on me at 9pm.

The good news is that I will soon have tons of new pictures to post here! Yay! As long as I remember to being my camera out with me.

Chiara is progressing in leaps and bounds. It amazes me how many words she has in her vocabulary for a 16 month old baby. And she understands sooo many things. Babies are truly amazing beings. And she is growing cuter and cuter as the days go by. I just hope that her bloody molars appear before we go back to Singapore. We have 3 now and I am waiting anxiously for the others to show up.

Other than that, I don't think I have very much else to say. Have been checking out what's been going on in Singapore via Singaporean blogs and it seems that the latest scandal is the imminent hanging of this 25yr old Vietnamese-Australian boy who was caught in transit in Singapore with drugs strapped to his body.

*Sigh". This is so sad. Sad that he can be caught and tried under Singapore jurisdiction eventhough he never intended to step foot on Singapore soil with those drugs. Sad because the reason why he was transporting these drugs was to clear his brother's debts to loansharks - who were threatening his family. Sad because this poor boy is only 25. Sad because the truth is, he doesn't deserve to die simply for being desperate and stupid.

If he has to die then what about that ex-air stewardess who killed her lover's child by throwing her off a block of HDB flats? I believe this crazy woman is not even being charged with murder. The child was like 4 years old or something. Why does she deserve to live and the Vietnamese boy deserve to die?

You know there are somethings about Singapore that really make me cringe. Outdated and disproportionate laws are just one of those Singaporean thorns in my side. And very embarassing as a Singaporean living abroad who is always quick to point out how Singapore is so much better than many seemingly first-world, so-called sophisticated European countries.

Western-style democracy might not totally work in Singapore right now but what about basic human rights and principles of reasonable regulation?

I know I can go on for hours on this topic and just as I have an opinion about all things Singaporeans, others may believe differently.

I am all for people having differing opinins on issues, but seriously, don't you think it's high time Singapore joins the 21st Century?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Season changing

I think I am getting the winter blues. The weather here is becoming colder and the leaves are turning color. All very beautiful. All very miserable.

I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been born in a tropical country. Where the sun shines all year long. Where I can live in sandals and skirts and tank tops. Where I never have to wear a winter coat. Where I don't have to dress my child up in layers and layers of clothes just to go to the park. Where Johnson's baby powder is the order of the day instead of bloody extra strength moisturizing body butter.

Winter is depressing. I hate the thought of snow and all things associated with it. The thought of going up and down mountains for the next 5 months is already making me car-sick. Even snowboarding can't get me excited anymore. You know what it's like to have to take 10 minutes just to pee? And that's without any queues in the loo. Also, I really can't afford to break any other part of my body now that I have a toddler. Which means that I have to play it safe on the next-to-bunny slopes. Which is SUCKS BIG TIME for a super dooper daredevil stunt snowboarder like me.

You think I have issues adapting? I mean after 5 bloody years, you'd think that I would have gotten used to this sort of thing. But why would anyone even WANT to get used to winter? Winter is CRAP. Winter is boring. The only good thing about winter is that I can cover up all my fatty bits with big bulky clothes. Which actually makes it even crappier because hiding my fatty bits allows those bits to become chunks and then when spring comes I get all huffy and puffy trying to reduce them back into bits.

Yeeees, I have officially GIVEN UP on trying to make my bits disappear. Coz as long as I am in this winter cycle of bullshit, bits will always become chunks which then will be reduced to bits again and then become chunks thus never disappearing.

Oh! please...can we please have 6 months of summer and 3 months of winter instead of the other way around?

See? I am a considerate person. I understand that many people have chalets and holiday homes in the mountains that need to be made use of. I get that people love snow sports. I totally feel for those fashionistas who can't wait to show off their newly acquired Gianotti boots and fur coats.

But does this season of white really have to last soooo looooong????

Personally I'd much rather exchange pressies at a BBQ by the poolside, drinking caipirinhas instead of in the house, snow falling outside, sipping mulled wine by the damned Christmas tree.

God, I can't wait to get on that plane and head back to Singapore.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Grannies are right

Why is it people like to make things difficult for others?

A simple problem.

I like a boy. The boy i assume, kinda likes me back. We hang out. Make out. eventually do the dirty. And then? What happens? We live happily ever after until we die or we start not liking each other or we get too old to do anything about not liking each other anymore. Right?


Games continue to be played. Girls must string the boy along and play silly games in order to tangkap the boy good and proper.

Why? Why can't the boy and gilr just simply say that they like each other and then continue enjoying each other's company like 2 normal people who like each other? and just SAY HOW THEY FEEL? Why must always tarik harga, which is something I do not get especially when there is no more harga to tarik, since the deal was done with no harga negotiated in the first place. Where got sense I ask you?

I think after passing the big 3-0 and having a child, I do not have the intestinal fortitude to play these silly dating games nor do I have the patience to advise on these situations any longer. Everytime I hear this story, I just want to get the girl and guy, bang their heads together and tell them to decide what they want, and if the decision does not involve each other, then better just get a new life AND MOVE ON.

I have no doubt this is the reason why grannies and kaypo aunties are always bugging the single girls amongst us to quickly get married. Because, in fact, if you wait too long, dating and trying to find The One and all that simply becomes bothersome bullshit.

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